I’m currently reading “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss and his thoughts on fear have me curious and reflective.
Conquering fear requires us to define fear. It comes in many forms and is often fear-inducing. He states, “Most people in the world dress it up as something else: optimistic denial….Pure hell forces action, but anything less can be endured with enough clever rationalization.” Why do we do this? Change is hard but we cannot grow without it.
In reflection, I realized that I fear doing what most needs to be done- the unknown outcomes. My mind automatically goes to failures and not success, yet the potential for success is so much greater. The cost to postponing action is continuing to give credit to the soundtrack of belief in myself and financial stability. It’s time to change the soundtrack and move into purpose driven intent action. (My 2023 phrase)
Fear is normal. What actions are you taking to move out of fear into a thriving, exciting life? Let’s partner this journey together!
#mindset #intentionalliving #coaching #purposedrivenintent #3Arrowscg